Thursday, December 21, 2006

How Can I Get Cool MySpace Layouts?

By Susan Cox

Have you ever been on a friend’s profile page where there are all kinds of cool pictures, images, graphics and colors? Did such a page inspire you to make your personal profile page something that’s not so drab and generic? Have you ever thought about the process that it must take in order to get some of these really intense and detailed profiles up and running? Do you think that the owners of these pages have way too much time on their hands? The necessary course of action is nothing more than a little bit of thought and a few clicks of the mouse.

Long gone are the days of needing a master’s degree in computer science for adding a bit of individuality to a personal page on a website like Well, that’s not exactly true. Let’s just say that you don’t have to have a master’s degree, but someone else probably has had an education in computers. There are many legitimate websites and companies that have created the complicated computer language for you add some spice to your space. All you need to do once you’ve decided on a layout is click, copy and paste!

It works like this: Each layout that you find will have a code attached to it. The code will be pretty detailed and long as it is written in a computer language. The website in which you obtain your design will give you specific directions on how to attain the correct code, but is usually nothing more than a “Layout Code” link. You’ll need to copy (CTR+C) and paste (CTR+V) the code into the “About Me” section of your MySpace profile page, after you’ve logged in, of course.

So, what sort of layout are you looking for? The possibilities are seemingly endless. Solid colors, funky patterns and fantasy-ish designs are just a few of the available layouts for you to add to your profile page on Classic and contemporary movies make for some great layouts, and quite a bit of conversation, too. Your favorite female celebrity or hottest guy in the movies as a background or layout will add a smile to your face whenever you log on.

As you get more familiar with the process, you may want to add an extra-personal touch, like maybe a daily joke, look-a-like avatar, or glitter graphic that twinkles before your eyes. Each of these details has a code similar to the background and is just as easy to add to your profile page.

Did I mention that you could easily gain access all of this for free? You just need to know where to look for it.

Susan Cox recommends MyWackoSpace if you need MySpace layouts.

Article Source:


The Power of Myspace

By Jeff Lawrence

Traditional ways of generating traffic to a website have revolved around PPC advertising, search engine optimization, reciprocal linking, content generation, and a wide variety of other means. As the internet continues to evolve another form has made waves in the online world: Myspace. Myspace is categorized as a “social networking site.” What that means it is it is a gathering center for almost everyone. People find old high school friends, arrange for potential dates, communicate with friends, and most importantly to those in the SEO and web analytics fields they use myspace to promote a product or service. Although advertising businesses is technically against myspace’s terms and conditions (they would rather you pay to advertise) hundreds of thousands of businesses and bands reside on myspace. With reports of 100 million users of myspace the potential for promotion is incredible. Myspace, for the first time ever directed more traffic to online retailers last month than yahoo did according to hitwise. That was just from paid advertising, not from individual users of the site.

As an example of the power of myspace we had a staffer create a myspace profile with her name, a few pictures, and a description of the company she works for, us. She added her friends, and then added some friends of her friends. Within four days she had over 650 friends that generated hundreds of hits onto our main website. At the time of this article she was upto 3000 friends in two weeks of Myspace membership. Other myspace members had tens of thousands of friends, and used the myspace bulletin feature to send traffic to events that they were planning, or invitations for their “friends” to visit their website for a new promotion. In addition to this your website link is indexed by Google, further enhancing your position for link building as well. The potential unique visitors that myspace can generate is increasing important on today’s rapidly changing internet. If you have any further questions that we haven’t clearly addressed, or just need some advise feel free to email us at or visit us at

Jeff Lawrence is the owner of Sonicko Consultanting. This article may be reused provided that the full content is published. Sonicko focuses on web analytics and search engine optimization and is based out of Los Angeles, CA. You can reach them at their website at
